Please note that the cross and centerpiece may vary based on availability of items. If you want to know which centerpieces are available please contact me by email and I can send you a picture. 

PRICE: $12.00


Our Blessed Mother asks us to pray the rosary daily, but our lives are busy and sometimes we can get distracted or interrupted when we pray. I would often start the rosary before morning Mass and finish it after Mass, but  would forget where I left off.  This lead me to create the 'Pray Without Ceasing Rosary." The design of this rosary allows you to pray without losing your place. It is perfect for praying while walking, doing chores working or driving.
To use: Begin with the Sign of the Cross and the Creed. On the side with the larger beads, pull down the first large bead and say the Our Father. Follow this by pulling down each of the small beads on this side saying 3 Hail Mary’s. Then do the Our Father for the first decade with the next large bead. Use the small beads on the other side for the 10 Hail Mary’s pulling them down as you go. When you complete a decade push the small beads back to the top to be ready for the next decade.

The Pray Without Ceasing Rosary is made with olive wood beads from the Holy Land and is very lightweight. It can be clipped to clothing or to a keychain, so you can always have it nearby.

I hope this rosary will go with you and be part of your day helping you to ‘pray without ceasing’. (1Thessalonians 5:17)